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Read! Find Answer the Questions! Create a Power Point Presentation!




            Laughter therapy is the most developed and used in the United States. An American, a journalist and a teacher of psychology starts the beginning of this science. He had no other choice, because he had a disease of the bones and connective tissue - he could not move, even an ordinary meal (to open your mouth and chew) was accompanied by pain - the doctors threw up his hands and explained that the medicine can not help you in this situation! At the time ( 70 of the last century) in magazines was published the articles by neurologist William Frey. He did the research and decided to try: he was discharged from the hospital, moved into the hotel, ordered a room with a projector and a nurse! During all day his nurse showed different comedies. The first days he didn't laugh. A few days later he became funny and sad: he is real and stupid looking comedies and hoped that laughter will save his life. And he began to laugh like crazy, then he undrestood that he has less back ache. After a few weeks he was already observed persistent improvement. And after 2 years of "laughter therapy" he was a normal person and even started to play a musical instrument! Then he founded the centre, which operates successfully until now, and wrote about the benefits of fun are some serious books.



Find and send me on my email address.

1. The name an American, a journalist and a teacher of psychology. (1 point)
2. The name of the disease, which he was sick. (1 point)
 3. His portrait or picture (i.e. the person who initiated the science of laughter therapy) (1 point)
4. What the center was founded by American-journalist-teacher of psychology? Write down the title. (1 point)

5. What the musical instrument he started to play? (1 point)
6. Write 5 sentences about teaching laughter therapy. ( 2 points)
7. What research was conducted by neurologist William Frey? ( 1 point)
8. Create a presentation of 5 slides about the science of laughter therapy. ( 7 points)

But first of all I invite you to look the recommendations about creating presentations:

Good luck!!!


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